Secular Fundamentalism Pillar #2: Evolution is a Fact That Accounts for Origins

Pillar #2: Evolution is a Fact That Accounts for Origins

Important Note: Before you read any further I want to define the term “evolution” since the Secular Fundamentalist media and professors purposely equivocate when using the term so as to include transitions from one species to another  while only providing evidence of transitions within a species. We have all experienced this "bait and switch" tactic in highschool and college biology textbooks; for example, pictures of horses in a circle. The important fact is that they are still horses! EVERYONE believes in transitions within a species in what some call “micro-evolution”, but Intelligent Design and Creationists patently deny “macro-evolution” (changes from one species into another) as the evidence is clearly not only lacking but missing. In this post I am referring to Macro-evolution as the myth that is challenged logically by using the tools of faith & reason that all of us use to grasp reality as noted in my earlier post here. This is the sneaky tactic that sacrifices logic in order to be clever; thus we have the equivocation of the term “evolution”. To see some examples from the high-school and college texts that I mention above please read the post on my One Year Bible Site by clicking here

So let us begin with a simple syllogism:

All people are biased,

Scientists are people,

Therefore scientists are biased.

As noted earlier, scientists do hold certain presuppositions when they approach the topic of origins. This is not a fault per se, since the origin of the universe is not something that can be determined empirically so the scientist must start from somewhere. However, this does become a fault when these assumptions “evolve” into fact, thereby committing the fallacy known as “begging the question.”  These assumptions that serve as a scientist's starting point should be subject to change because they are a theory, viewed as reasonable by some, accepted by faith and reason, but not an empirically verifiable fact. All people have a tendency to be biased, and since scientists are people, they are not immune to this tendency.  For instance, the scientist that is a theist will assume that God exists, and a scientist that presupposes atheism starts his or her analysis of the empirical data believing that God does not exist.  Contrary to the logic and common sense that we are all biased, we have been conditioned by our secular society into believing that only the theist is biased with his or her faith.  However, the atheist is equally as biased with his or her faith guiding him or her to look at the data and insist on only naturalistic and materialistic explanations.

Everything that has a beginning has a cause,

The universe had a beginning,

Therefore the universe had a cause.

Recent scientific discoveries in the field of Astronomy indicate that the four dimensions of our universe: space, time, matter, and energy, came into being ex nihilo-out of nothing.  Given that the universe came into existence out of nothing, both theists and atheists are together in the realm of faith when it comes to origins.  This is due to the fact that the cause of our universe lies outside of the universe itself, the place where empirical science and the known laws of physics no longer apply.  As Astronomer Robert Jastrow put it when commenting on the Big Bang singularity and scientific faith in his book God and the Astronomers: "The religious faith of the scientist is violated by the discovery that the world had a beginning under conditions in which the known laws of physics are not valid and as a product of forces or circumstances we cannot discover. When that happens, the scientist has lost control.  As usual when faced with trauma, the mind reacts by ignoring the implications. . .The scientist’s pursuit of the past ends at the moment of creation."[1]

Until the discovery of evidence that the universe had a beginning, known as the Big Bang, the now defunct steady-state theory of the universe was the dominant view among scientists.  According to the steady-state theory of cosmology, the universe expands and new matter is continuously self-generated at all of the points in space that are left open by the receding galaxies.  The universe was thus infinitely old and in a steady state, new matter continuously arising in the space vacated by the receding stellar systems.[2]  The problem with this theory is that it relies on the logical absurdity of self-generation, namely, nothing creating something.  The idea of self-generation ignores the obvious contradiction that no self exists to do the generating.  This very notion of being coming into existence out of non-being goes against one of the first principles of science—the principle of causality.  The principle of causality teaches that everything that comes to be is caused by another.[3]

Rewind the universe like a movie and you come to a point of nothing! Physicist PCW Davies said of the Big Bang that “It is the coming into existence of ALL material things.” Now what did the Bible say in the book of Hebrews? “By faith we understand that the Universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” - Hebrews 11:3.  Anthony Kenny of Oxford University said that “A proponent of the Big bang Theory, at least if he is an Atheist, must believe that the universe came from nothing and by nothing.” But the first principle of metaphysics, and all rational thought, is that “out of nothing, nothing comes!”

Besides the evident logical fallacy with the steady-state theory itself, the theory officially died in 1965 when two physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a primary piece of evidence that proved that the universe had a beginning. The two astronomers discovered a radiation echo in space that was determined to be the sound of the initial explosion that brought the universe into existence.  Penzias and Wilson were rewarded for their discovery when in 1978 they received the Nobel Prize in physics. As a result, this discovery placed certain death to the steady-state theory, by proving that the universe had a beginning.  Since the universe had a beginning, and everything that has a beginning has a cause, then one must conclude that the universe had a beginner, what one might call, God.  Physicist Robert Wilson expanded on this fact in an interview, “Certainly, if you are religious, I can’t think of a better theory of the origin of the universe to match with Genesis”[4]

Now the Secular Fundamentalist Atheists are inventing new theories like a "multiverse" to avoid the obvious conclusion. Unfortunately for them Arvind Borde, Alan Guth, and Alexander Vilenkin put forward the BGV Theorem proving that independent of physics any hypothetical model of the Universe must include a beginning.  In view of the fact that the universe had a beginning, it follows, both logically and scientifically, that it must have had a Beginner since everything that has a beginning has a cause.  This fact has triggered uneasiness among some in the modern scientific community predisposed to atheism while at the same time it has triggered others, like Robert Jastrow, to write about the subject.  However, in the field of science that has moved from a theistic philosophical basis to a purely atheistic philosophical basis over the past one hundred and fifty years, the topic of God’s existence has been removed from possibility a priori.  Astronomer Robert Jastrow is an example of an agnostic who wrote about this subject and the reaction among his colleagues to the new evidence and its obvious conclusions.  In his book Jastrow best describes the sentiment among some in the scientific community of naturalists when he writes, “When a scientist writes about God, his colleagues assume he is either over the hill or going bonkers.”[5] So follow the logic here and answer honestly which view requires more faith:

Why does this matter so much to the Secular Fundamentalists?

Because as you can see this view is held with a strong FAITH conviction, and nobody likes an error in his or her religious thinking being exposed. Furthermore, they cleverly place "Evolution" in the Reason category, when you can clearly see that it belongs in the FAITH category. As Norman Geisler & Frank Turek note "I do not have enough faith to be an atheist"

Building men of virtue in a culture of vice,
Peter P. Lackey, Jr.
Founder, Man's Ultimate Challenge
"It is essential to a virtue to be about the difficult and the good" - Thomas Aquinas


[1]Robert Jastrow. God and the Astronomers, 2d ed. (New York / London: W.W. Norton, 1992), 105-106.

[2]William Lane Craig and Quentin Smith, Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1995), 40.

[3]Geisler, “Causality, Principle of,” in Apologetics, 121.

[4]Robert Wilson, “Interview with Robert Wilson,” interview by Fred Hereen (18 May 1994), Show Me God, (Wheeling, IL: Day Star Publications, 1998), 157.

[5]Ibid., Jastrow, Astronomers, 9.

[6]Hugh Ross, “Anthropic Principle: A Precise Plan for Humanity,” Facts for Faith, Qtr.1, No. 8 (2002): 29 [emphasis in original].

[7]Ibid., 26.

[8]Michael Behe, Darwin’s black box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996), 232-33.

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